3rd Bilateral Project Technical Meeting, December 7th 2020

3rd Bilateral Project Technical Meeting, December 7th 2020

We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd Bilateral Technical Meeting of the ExPert Integrated suPport systEm for coastaL mixed urbAn – industrial – critical infrastructure monitorinG usIng Combined technologies – EPIPELAGIC project was successfully held through teleconference on Monday 7th of December. All project partners participated with presentations of their work.

Specifically, Geosystems Hellas presented an overview of the project and the overall progress so far along with an 18th month deliverable progress of the Greek side., CERTH-ITI the EPIPELAGIC platform and the Decision Support System in development while UoA the data collection steps.

In addition, partners from the Ocean University of China presented, among others, their corresponding work on the chinese case study, related also with the paper “Coastal Dam Inundation Assessment for the Yellow River Delta: Measurements, Analysis and Scenario” by Guoyang Wang, Peng Li, OrcID,Zhenhong Li, OrcID, Dong Ding, Lulu Qiao, Jishang Xu, Guangxue Li and Houjie Wang.