The second measuring campaign for every borehole was carried out on January 27, 2023, and it included repeat height meter readings to assess the changes in the orthometric height and the water level of the wells. The RTK measurements were accomplished once again on the metal O-RING of each borehole, but not externally. However, no significant differences (higher than the nominal precision of RTK determination) were observed in comparison to the readings from the first campaign. The Hepos Transformation Tool (Hellenic Terrestrial Reference System 2007 to Hellenic National GGRS87 converter) was used to convert the ellipsoid elevations to orthometric elevations. In the artesian drills, the measuring of the water level was impossible, because the water is gushing. Examples of the drilling’s spots are shown below.
For more information about the Epipelagic Project and its ongoing efforts, stay tuned.